Consolidation of Inter RAO assets

Acquisition of OGK-1 and OGK-3


Acquisition of OGK-1 and OGK-3 by Inter RAO, after the spin-off of subsidiaries which were simultaneously acquired by the holding's wholly-owned subsidiary.

Other ancillary cases


October 2012

October 2012

In 2012-2013, Inter RAO set the goal of integrating its assets and increasing its shareholder value.

The decision was taken to incorporate OGK-1 and OGK-3 into Inter RAO, to convert the shares of minority shareholders into shares in Inter RAO, and to transfer the assets of OGK-1 and OGK-3 to Inter RAO – Elektrogeneratsiya.

OGK-1 and OGK-3 were reorganized, with the spin-off of OGK-1' and OGK-3', to which were transferred almost all assets and liabilities of the reorganized companies.

Simultaneously with their spin-off from OGK-1 and OGK-3, OGK-1' and OGK-3' were acquired by Inter RAO – Elektrogeneratsiya. On the same day, OGK-1 and OGK-3 were acquired by Inter RAO. The shares of the minority shareholders of OGK-1 and OGK-3 were converted to shares in Inter RAO.


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